Search results

  1. EmmaZeMurderer

    Accepted Discord Mute Appeal

    IGN: Lavive Why were you banned/muted?: Mexican stereotypes. Who banned/muted you?: Derp (Warn) For how long are you banned/muted?: Permanently. Why did you break the rule(s) that got you banned/muted?: I thought it would be funny to say that. But I've realized it's not. Why do you believe...
  2. EmmaZeMurderer

    Accepted Vali Discord Ban Appeal

    ^ that was not intentional. All I said was "Imagine forgetting to close the thread". Forums suck
  3. EmmaZeMurderer

    Accepted Vali Discord Ban Appeal

  4. EmmaZeMurderer

    Randall staff application

    +1 because Peter Griffin.
  5. EmmaZeMurderer

    Accepted _Pesto's Developer (Not Admin) Application

    I've played a couple of servers where this guy was dev, and they were really good. A +1 from me.
  6. EmmaZeMurderer

    Pending Discord ban Appeal Bloody

    +1 CivWars is just not CivWars without bloody.

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