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  1. S

    discord mute!

    this is an old discord appeal it was cuz i said "be*ner" in disc chat , for some reason the mute was a perm which was very harsh but i got unbanned like a week after but then i got muted again for absolutely no reason , all i did was say the staff is unprofessional and bias about a decision that...
  2. S

    Pending Community Manager Application

    asdeo is one of those people who actually care about the server success and it doing well overall , he is always there to help resolve issues players are having or atleast people around him that are having issues and talks to both sides and is very reasonable and aware of any issues or concerns...
  3. S

    discord mute!

    IGN:Samba#2603/familygayrp Why were you banned/muted?: saying "beaner" Who banned/muted you?: Red For how long are you banned/muted?: Perm Why did you break the rule(s) that got you banned/muted?: i said beaner Why do you believe you should be unbanned/unmuted?: i promise to follow the server...

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