Vita expands trade and opens to new allies


New member
On the morning of Sunday, June 13th, Vita became allies with Oblock and their leader Offlined in hopes of establishing good economic and political relations. This being said, any nation that wishes to be allies with Vita can be assured fair and decent prices for supplies and gear along with plenty of economic backing.

This marks a new era as oblock was once considered hostile but as of recent, relations have greatly improved thus showing that anyone can have a second chance, that they were not the bad guy that they were first made to be seen as by other nations.

This is to a new future of civ, a better civ where we can trade with our allies and provide supplies when needed in a time of crisis

To wrap this up, here is what I say to our new alliance
"Al futuro e augurando pace e prosperità tra le nostre due nazioni"
"To the future and wishing peace and prosperity among our two nations"

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