New member
Why were you banned/muted?:hacking
Who banned/muted you?:unknown
For how long are you banned/muted?
Why did you break the rule(s) that got you banned/muted?:I did not, now this is going to sound crazy but it is true, my friend whos ign is Gimzo actually used this account after he was banned. The only reason he had the log in information was because he saw it when I was streaming on discord. I have changed the password and have made sure he wont be able to log in anymore. You can also check this by looking at the IP used on the gizmo account and my account they should be the same
Why do you believe you should be unbanned/unmuted?:because i did not actually hack
Anything else you think we should know: no
Are you interested in singing in the Civwars Karaoke for a further reduction/complete removal of ban/mute? (if eligible): yes i would do this if you did not believe me
Why were you banned/muted?:hacking
Who banned/muted you?:unknown
For how long are you banned/muted?
Why did you break the rule(s) that got you banned/muted?:I did not, now this is going to sound crazy but it is true, my friend whos ign is Gimzo actually used this account after he was banned. The only reason he had the log in information was because he saw it when I was streaming on discord. I have changed the password and have made sure he wont be able to log in anymore. You can also check this by looking at the IP used on the gizmo account and my account they should be the same
Why do you believe you should be unbanned/unmuted?:because i did not actually hack
Anything else you think we should know: no
Are you interested in singing in the Civwars Karaoke for a further reduction/complete removal of ban/mute? (if eligible): yes i would do this if you did not believe me