The Church of Tyr


New member
The Church of Tyr
Hey, hey, people. Fernux here. I'm back from lurking for fucking years, to introduce my new nation, The Church of Tyr. Once again, I'm here to spread my religion to everyone and invite you all to join the Church, because we can always use more Holy Men. I'll use this thread to give a quick summary of our goals, as well as how you can join us.

"What is The Church of Tyr?"

The Church of Tyr, individually referred to as Holy Justices, is a highly organized, formal priesthood that maintains internal rules and a system of fortified temples to further the worship and tenets of the god of justice, Tyr. It is a highly organized, formal denomination that adheres to strict rules within our fortified temples. . At Tyrran temples, the faithful can find lodging, equipment, food, and other useful things.

Novices of Tyr are charged to "Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and be always true and just in your actions." Tyr and his followers are devoted to the cause of justice, to the righting of wrongs and the deliverance of just vengeance. This is not necessarily equality or fairness, as some make the maimed god out to represent, but rather the discovery of truth and the punishment of the guilty. Tyrrans tend to be stiff-necked about theology and to see matters in black and white terms.

For all the old players, who remember the Church of Melora, you'll be decently familiar with the idea here. For those who are new... A quick sum-up is that this is going to, essentially, act as a religious group, which will aid others as long as they accept the teachings of Tyr, by bringing justice for their people, bringing good faith for the church, and keeping a holy scripture and/or shrine somewhere on-premises, for our lord Tyr.

International Diplomacy Standards:

We will primarily be peaceful unless directly provoked, or to rectify something unjust.
We seek to aid Nations in need, as well as bring new cities into our expanding Religious-State.
We will offer to act as Intermediaries, Lawyers, and Prosecutors in diplomatic settings.
We will work with open communications, whenever possible, so as to ensure a just outcome for all.
Other Nations can follow our teachings without being forced to join the church if that's what they wish, but they're more than welcome to be absorbed into our Religious-State, regardless, so long as they follow our creed and tennants.

Joining The Church
The Church of Tyr has a proper code to follow, that should be noted before joining:

Clergy of Tyr are sworn to uphold the law wherever they go, and to punish those wronged under the law. They are to keep complete records of their own rulings, deeds, and decisions. Through these records, a priest's errors can be corrected, his or her grasp of the laws of all lands can grow and flourish, and lawbreakers can be identified by others. No known injustice done by a Tyrran priest must go unbalanced. Priests of Tyr should also always be vigilant in their observations and anticipations, seeking to see what forces and which beings intend or will cause injustices and threaten law and order in the future. They should then act to prevent such challenges in justice in coming to pass. In short: Abide by the laws, and let no others break them. Mete out punishment where lawbreaking occurs.

Beyond that, all you have to do, is seek out anyone by the rank of High Avenger, Knight Commander, Hammer Lord, or the Defender of Justice himself, AscendantBakura (Me), and request an audience with them, for recruitment, or apply here.

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